Dorian Paic
A real Frankfurt veteran, spinning for over 25 years, his trustful taste in music made Robert Johnson Resident Dorian Paic a regular fixture on global line-ups. Blending minimal or classy modern tech house, Dorian Paic always plays with precision, passion and a sense of free-flowing energy that keeps dance floors around the globe mesmerized. For 25YRS of Time Warp, Dorian will once again be hitting the deck with a choice of his finest black gold.
Event History Dorian Paic
- 2019 (1x)
- 2018 (1x)
- 2012 (1x)
- 2010 (1x)
Upcoming Events
- 05. April 2025Maimarkthalle | MannheimTime Warp Germany5 Floors | 19 Hours
- 02. - 03. May 2025Vale Do Anhangabaú | São PauloTime Warp Brasil
- 10. - 11. October 2025IFEMA Madrid | MadridTime Warp SpainSave the date