
Music has always been very important in the life of Jon Gaiser. From a young age he played piano and drummed in a punk band. But everything changed abruptly at the age of 14, when he attended his first techno party with none less than Richie Hawtin on the decks.Impressed by the energy and the rousing sounds, it was clear which direction he would take. He stayed true to the music, but chose electronic music for his future projects. Thanks to this decision, he is now one of the best producers in the electronic music scene and is known for his distinctive sound and his unique live sets. Inspired by Richie Hawtin, the Detroit native Jon is now an integral part of the Minus family.

Event History Gaiser

  • 2013 (1x)
  • 2012 (1x)
  • 2009 (1x)

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